Xacus Manifest

We are an Italian business

We were founded in 1956, in San Vito di Leguzzano just outside Vicenza, by Alberto Xoccato and a group of expert dressmakers. We have had the good fortune of being able to grow in the unique context that comes with the verve, creativity and innovation to be found in Veneto, interpreting and exporting the best of quality Italian shirtmaking.

We are guardians of precious customs

Heirs to the traditional textile manufacturers of Vicenza, with three generations of painstaking research into exclusive designs and materials, and the utmost attention at every stage in the manufacturing process, love for detailing and, above all, a passion for the beautiful and the well-made.


We pay attention to the ethical and social implications of what we do, as well as to the economic value of what we make. Every day, we make sure we do everything we can to preserve and boost individual, collective and community well-being over the long term.
We create a system

We are passionate and discerning. We choose our suppliers and business partners with the greatest of care, based on their authenticity, aware of the fact that the excellence of the finished product depends entirely on the virtuous integration of every stakeholder in the supply line.

We work as a team

We respect the personal and professional skills and aptitudes of our collaborators. We promote participation, communication, and sharing among everybody.

With no distinction.

We work to serve the customer

We faithfully investigate the needs and expectations of our customers, constantly refining the quality of our shirts and of our pre- and after-sales service,
aiming for constant and increasing customer satisfaction.

We imagine what’s new before it arrives

We are visionaries in every sense of the word, constantly experimenting with natural yarns and
fabrics, with scrap-free production processes,
logistics with low environmental impact, and sustainable business models,
heralding a better world.